Once a student is enrolled with Centre he/she shall be bounded by the rules & regulation of the institute.
It is necessary for a candidate to submit the fully completed form in the office at the time of admission and the details filled in the form have to be true and correct. The student has to attach two passport size photographs with the form. The Institute reserves the right to use the photograph of the student in case the student secures position/success in any entrance examination for which he/she has acquired training at Centre.
Students enrolled with Centre have to submit a copy of their admit card of any other engineering entrance examination in which they might be appearing in, to the institute as soon as they receive it.
If there is any change of address or contact no. the candidate should inform the office Immediately so that in case of emergency we may inform the parents/guardians.
The institute shall not refund the fees to any student who after taking admission in any course becomes disinterested or fails to join the course and seeks the refund.
The institute shall not be responsible for the rejection of admission form of any candidate by the examining body on grounds of eligibility, incomplete information, wrong information etc. The student cannot take fee refund on the above grounds.
The Institute reserves the right to expel any student on grounds of indiscipline, misbehavior, irregular attendance, use of unfair means.
The candidates enrolled with us shall have to carry their identity card and must produce it on demand while entering the institute. He/she may be refused entry in the absence of identity card.
The Institute reserves the right to make any change in its course, if need be, without any prior information to the student.
All doubts, queries & complaints regarding each subject & its curriculum will be entertained by respective subject experts & H.O.D. Only. Other subjects teachers will not be liable.
All disputes subject to Allahabad Jurisdiction only.